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I pledge allegiance to Soroptimist and to the ideals for which it stands:


The Sincerity of Friendship

The Joy of Achievement

The Dignity of Service

The Integrity of Profession

The Love of Country

I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold and defend these ideals, for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business—for Country and for God.



Our regular meetings are held the first and third Thursdays of each month at Noon at the HomCo Board Room.  Meetings are in-person whenever possible, a virtual meeting link will be sent out prior to each meeting.  

On the first Thursday, we hold our business meeting which includes a financial review, minutes, old and new business, and any current or future events.

On the third Thursday, a program meeting is held.  This may include a guest speaker or a fun member event.

Are you interested in attending a meeting?  Contact us at

HOW TO JOIN            .

Soroptimist International of the Arizona Peaks is a local volunteer organization supporting women and girls in achieving economic empowerment through education. 


Interested in Joining? Have questions? Send us an email!

Thanks for submitting!

Ready to make the commitment to help?

Fill out an application and bring it to our next meeting.

.           CLUB OFFICERS

Mary Deleon


Mary Langin

Vice President

Sally Trotter

Recording Secretary

Carole Wilson

Corresponding Secretary

Mary Thompson


Kathy Gimenez


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